
Je Maintiendrai

"... Le refus de la politique militante, le privilège absolu concédé à la littérature, la liberté de l'allure, le style comme une éthique, la continuité d'une recherche". Pol Vandromme

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Location: Portugal

Monday, December 10, 2007


O habitual estendal de misérias neste capacho onde vivemos. Uma constipação providencial livra-me das ruas, dos gabinetes e da televisão, e limita-me, no meu laptop de leito, sobre a Simieira, a enumerar o melhor da minha pequena blogosfera, aqui, aqui, aqui, aqui, aqui e aqui. Por esta via , especial destaque para a BBC:

«The Portuguese Prime Minister, Jose Socrates, gave an extraordinary closing speech which spoke about bridges being built, steps forward being taken, and visions being pursued. He went off on such an oratorical flight, in fact, that I became mesmerised by the beauty of the Portuguese language and the elegance of his delivery. I was so bewitched that I didn't register any concrete points in the speech at all. Perhaps there weren't any. But it certainly sounded good.»
Mark Doyle, Jornalista da BBC, enviado a Lisboa

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